Setting up Network Scanning
2. Network
For the Port Number, “25” is normally entered.
Under Authentication Option, select No authentication if your SMTP
server does not require authentication.
If your SMTP server requires SMTP authentication, select SMTP
Authentication and enter your User Name and Password.
If your mail service requires POP before SMTP authentication, select POP
before SMTP and enter the host name or IP address of your POP server in
POP Server. Enter the Port Number, your User Name, and Password.
Under E-mail Settings, enter the Sender Name that you wish to have appear
on e-mail sent from the machine, and the sender E-mail Address.
Note: The E-mail Address must be entered. This must be a valid e-mail
address. Responses to e-mail sent from the machine and any undelivered
mail reports will be sent to this address. It is normally convenient to use the e-
mail address of the administrator of the machine or other person in charge of
machine communication.
Enter an E-mail Subject and E-mail Message, and select the File Format
used for the scanned image.
♦ The Sender Name, E-mail Subject, E-mail Message, and File Format
that you enter in this screen are default settings. These settings will be
used if the sender does not specify this information at the time of
♦ For further information on the settings in this screen, click Help in the menu