If the food that you wish to defrost is not listed on the
EXPRESS DEFROST CHART or is above or below the
limits in the “Amount” column on the EXPRESS DEFROST
CHART, you will need to defrost manually.
You can defrost any frozen food, either raw or previously
cooked, by using MICRO 30% Power Level. See page
10. Estimate defrosting time and press MICRO 4 times
for 30% when you select the power level.
For either raw or previously cooked frozen food the rule
of thumb is approximately 5 minutes per pound. For ex-
ample, defrost 5 minutes for 1 pound of frozen spaghetti
Fresh Strawberry Shortbread Dessert
1/3 cup all-purpose flour
2 tablespoons cornstarch
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
5 tablespoons unsalted butter
1/4 cup sugar
Make shortbread a few hours before serving time.
Sift flour, cornstarch, baking powder and salt together. Place butter, sugar, vanilla and orange peel into large bowl
and beat with an electric mixer until fluffy. Add flour mixture and beat just until moist clumps form. Gather dough
into ball and flatten into round circle. Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate until just firm.
Remove turntable from oven. Touch BAKE 4 times to preheat to 325 F. and enter 15 minutes.
Cut a circle of wax paper to fit into the turntable. Place shortbread dough on lightly floured surface and roll with
floured rolling pin into a circle 1/4-inch thick. Using 3-inch cookie cutter, cut dough into 4 shortbreads. Place on
wax paper lined turntable and bake in preheated oven until lightly browned. Remove from oven and allow to stand
2 minutes for shortbreads to become firm. Remove from turntable and allow to cool completely.
At serving time, microwave strawberry jelly for 1 minute at MICRO HIGH (100%) or until melted but not hot. Stir.
Place 2 shortbreads on each dessert plate. Top with 5 strawberries, bottom side up, and then drizzle melted jelly
on strawberries. Serve topped with whipped cream, if desired.
1 tablespoon packed brown sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 teaspoon grated fresh orange peel
1/4 cup strawberry jelly
10 small strawberries with stems removed
Always stop the oven periodically to remove or separate
the portions that are defrosted. If food is not defrosted at
the end of the estimated defrosting time, program the oven
in 1 minute increments at 30% until totally defrosted.
When using plastic containers from the freezer, defrost
only long enough to remove from the plastic in order to
place in a microwave-safe dish.