Settings and
» PIN+xxxx (“xxxx” is the current PIN.)
This command temporarily releases current lock.
“+” indicates repeater control for the PINP command. (
Repeater control)
» PCLRxxxx (“xxxx” is the current PIN.)
It reverts to the state where no PIN has been set.
This is the same as “PIN Clear” under “Control Lock” on the “Setup” menu. (“Permanent unlock-
» PCL+xxxx (“xxxx” is the current PIN.)
It reverts to the state where there is no PIN.
“+” indicates repeater control for the PCLR command.
Permanent Control lock deactivation (RS-232C)
When a single monitor is connected, use “PCLRxxxx” (“xxxx” is the current PIN.)
When multiple monitors are connected, use “PCLR+xxxx”.
If the “RS-232C” function is locked, the IDSL and IDLK commands cannot be used.
[Example: 1] Disabling remote control operations
1) From the menu screen, select “Control Lock” from “Setup”.
2) Go to “Lock Items”, then “Remote”, and select “Lock”.
Note: If you exit the menu at this point, the locking will not occur.
3) Go to PIN input, and enter a 4-digit PIN.
4) After PIN input, the set locks will become effective when you close the menu.
[Example: 2] Disabling remote control, monitor buttons and power operations
From the menu screen, select “Control Lock” from “Setup”.
2) Go to “Lock Items”, and set “Remote”, “Buttons” and “Power” to “Lock”.
Note: If you exit the menu at this point, the locking will not occur.
3) Go to PIN input screen and enter 4-digit PIN.
4) After PIN input, the set locks will become effective when you close the menu.
[Example: 3] Disabling menu display (RS-232C single connection)
Note: The returned value assumes that no ID has been set.
PCLRxxxx ←(“xxxx” is the current PIN. “xxxx” is not necessary if no PIN has been set.)
LMNU0001 ←Locks menu display.
PSETxxxx ←(“xxxx” is new PIN.)
Settings and Adjustments (Continued)