DB <P=001>
Installing the Multifunction Interface Software
The Multifunction Interface software allows you to perform fax operations from
your computer and lets you use your fax as a scanner and printer. Install the soft-
ware from your Sharp Multifunction Interface CD-ROM.
♦ You must be running Microsoft Windows
3.1 or higher, or Windows
’95 to install the Sharp Multifunction Interface as a Windows application.
♦ For general information on installation and management of Windows’ appli-
cations, refer to your Microsoft Windows User’s Guide.
To install the Multifunction Interface software, follow these steps:
Make sure your fax is connected to your computer via the PC Interface box as
described in "Connections" in this chapter.
Make sure your fax is powered on (plug in the power cord).
Run Windows
3.1 or higher, or Windows ’95.
Close any other Windows applications which may be running.
Insert the Sharp Multifunction Interface CD in your computer’s CD-ROM
drive. (Note: Some systems automatically install the software when the CD is
inserted in the CD-ROM drive. Advance to Step 7 if your system automat-
ically installs the Multifunction Interface software.)
Windows 3.1 or higher users:
Select the Windows Program Manager.
Select the File drop-down menu and select the Run command. The command
screen will appear, displaying the command line. At the command line, type
the letter of your CD-ROM drive followed by Install.exe, and click OK.
Windows ’95 users:
Select Start, and select Run. At the command line, type the letter of your CD-
ROM drive and then click OK. Double click on the Install.EXE icon in the
window that appears.
♦ If you have previously installed the Sharp Multifunction software, an open-
ing screen will appear. Select the Install Sharp button.
Chapter 1 Installation