Error Message List
If an error message appears, refer to the table below and solve the problem.
• If the [OK] button is displayed in the message box, click [OK] to close the message box.
• If the [Yes] or [No] button in the message box, click either of them to close the message box.
Error Message Solution
PC-LINK has already started. Customer Support Tool has already started. You cannot start
Customer Support Tool when it is already operating.
XML file is broken.
PC-LINK operates in the initial state.
Customer Support Tool failed to read a data file normally because it
was destroyed or did not exist. Instead of data that was not read, the
default data was set.
Already same DEPT code exists. That code is already used. To create a new code, input a code that
does not exist in the list.
To select a code, click the row in the list or change the code with the
[<] or [>] button in the left lower part of the screen.
Already same PLU code exists. That code is already used. To create a new code, input a code that
does not exist in the list.
To select a code, click the row in the list or change the code with the
[<] or [>] button in the left lower part of the screen.
Already same CLERK code exists. That code is already used. To create a new code, input a code that
does not exist in the list.
To select a code, click the row in the list or change the code with the
[<] or [>] button in the left lower part of the screen.
Drive is not specified. Click the name of the displayed drive, and then [OK].
Input the folder path. Input the correct folder name in the data folder.
The path doesn't exist. The path (drive or folder) you have defined does not exist. Input the
correct path.
The file is not found.
The file doesn't exist, or path is illegal.
The file you have defined does not exist. Input the correct filename.
The file is not bitmap file. The file you have defined is not a bitmap file. Use a bitmap file.
The file is not supported size. The size of the file you have defined is not appropriate. Use a bitmap
file with 360-pixel width and 130-pixel height.
The file format is not supported color. The bitmap file you have defined is full-colored. Use a monochrome
bitmap file.
Picture convert DLL is not found. A program file for bitmap conversion is not found.
If you have deleted pictcnv.dll by mistake, you have to download and
install it again.
Invalid character is used. You are using characters that cannot be used as a filename.
Do not use \ / : * ? “ < > |.