© 2002 Design, 2012 Doc. No. 12-5301-r01 (12/17/12)
FREE DIVE ALT 2, information includes (Fig. 108) -
> Max Depth with MAX and FT (or M) icons.
> Time of Day (hr:min).
• A (< 2 sec) to revert to the Main, or after 5 seconds if A is not pressed.
• L (press) to activate Backlight.
Free Dive alarms sound 3 short beeps (1 or 3 times) as an indication that an event is occurring and as a reminder to view the
display to identify an event. The audible cannot be silenced using a button.
As the Audible sounds, a graphic identifying the event will flash in place of Temperature.
Free Dive alarms are separate and unaffected by NORM/GAUG mode alarm settings, and the Alarms that occur in those modes
are separate and unaffected by Free Dive alarms.
When the Free CDT decreases to 0:00 (min:sec), 3 short beeps will sound 3 times during which 0:00 with min and sec icons will
flash in place of Depth and NDC, and the graphic CDT will flash in place of Temperature (Fig. 109).
When the Free EDT Alarm is set ON, 3 short beeps will sound at each 30 second interval during which the EDT digits will flash
and the graphic EDT will flash in place of Temperature (Fig. 110).
When Depth reaches the DA1 Set Point, 3 short beeps will sound 3 times during which the Depth digits will flash and the graphic
DA1 will flash in place of Temperature (Fig. 111).
The audible and flashing will be repeated when Depth reaches the DA 2 and DA 3 Set Points when they are set On.
If Ascent is made above a Free Depth Alarm Set Point and then a descent is made below it, the respective Alarm (DA) will reset
and sound again.
While operating in FREE mode, residual nitrogen remaining from dives conducted within the past 24 hours, including those from
NORM, is displayed as the NIBG.
When nitrogen loading increases to the caution level (4 NIBG segments), 3 short beeps will sound 3 times during which the 4
NIBG segments will flash and the graphic NIBG will flash in place of Temperature (Fig. 112).
In the event that nitrogen loading increases to the Deco level, operation will enter Violation Gauge Mode for 24 hours.
Upon entry into Deco, 3 short beeps will sound 3 times during which the full NIBG will flash, the Up Arrow icon with graphic UP
will flash, the graphic VIOL will flash in place of Temperature, and NDC will be displayed as 0 min (Fig. 113).
After the audible is silenced, the NIBG and NDC will be removed, and Temperature will be restored. The Up Arrow icon and
graphic UP will remain on flashing until on the surface.
Upon surfacing, the Up Arrow icon and graphic UP will be removed. The graphic VIOL will alternate with FREE with opera-
tion reverting to Violation Gauge Mode for 24 hours with access to Watch Mode allowed. Access to NORM or GAUG will be
Fig. 109 - CDT ALARM
Fig. 110 - EDT ALARM
Fig. 111 - DEPTH ALARM
Fig. 112 - NIBG ALARM
Fig. 108 - FREE ALT 2