n Use low throttle settings when
clearing lightweight materials from
around lawns or shrubbery.
n Use medium to higher throttle set-
tings to move grass or leaves from
parking lots or walkways.
n Use full throttle when moving heavy
loads such as dirt or snow.
Blower noise increases at higher
throttle settings! Always use the low-
est throttle setting required to get the
job done!
In the hands of an experienced opera-
tor, the EB501 can efficiently move a
wide variety of debris ranging from
grass clippings to gravel. As a general
rule, operate your EB501 at the lowest
throttle setting required to get the job
Never operate
the blower if any
component parts are
damaged, loose, or
Wear a dust mask to reduce the risk
of inhalation injuries.
Wear close-fitting clothing to protect
your legs and arms, and Do not wear
clothing or jewelry that could get caught
in machinery! Secure hair so that it is
above shoulder length!
Always be aware of the strength
and direction of the blower
discharge stream! Never direct the
blower discharge stream toward
people or animals!
Never operate the blower when
visibility is poor.
Wear hearing protection
when operating the blower.
Wear eye protection that meets ANSI
Z87.1 such as a face shield or goggles while
operating this machine!
Figure 11