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5.2.3 Water Temperature Gauge [DG250MI only]
Water Temperature Gauge displays the temperature of engine coolant. Normal temperature
may vary depending on the environment, but it should be between 75 to 90 degree Celsius.
If the temperature exceeds normal value, disconnect the load, idle the engine
at 1000min
, and wait until the reading falls to the normal temperature range.
5.2.4 Oil Pressure Gauge [DG250MI only]
Oil Pressure Gauge displays the pressure of engine oil. Normal pressure may vary
depending on the environment, but it should display 2.9 – 4.9 x 100kPa (3-4kgf/cm
However, under cold weather, the pressure gauge may display higher reading. Continue
idling until the pressure falls to normal range.
5.2.5 Generator Gauges Voltage Meter
Voltage Meter displays the voltage output (Phase to Phase) from the generator. Amp Meter
Amp Meter displays the electrical (Phase) current output from the generator. Frequency Meter
Frequency meter will display the frequency of the power source
5.2.6 Lamp Preheat Lamp
When the start switch is turned to <Operation or Pre-heating> position, the Preheat Lamp will
be turned. When preheating is completed, preheat lamp turns off and operation can start.
Pre-heating may vary depending on the environment, but it should finishes
in about 1-5 seconds.