
Port Access Mode – Carrier / CTCSS/DCS / Etc.
C350 (u) COR mode
COR only required for local repeater (command source port if it is a
repeater, lowest logical numbered repeater port in the same group as
the command source if the source is a link port). [pe]
Command is not blocked if coming from a local even if PL is on and
C351 (u) PL mode
PL required for local repeater (target port determined as for C350).
C352 (u) Send PL status
Uses status of first local in group. [pe]
Command is not blocked if coming from a local even if PL is on and
C354 (u) COR mode for specific port
Set COR only for a specific radio. This is not sticky, it will be reset on
site normal or processor reset.
Syntax is *C354r, where r is the port to change (link map is applied). []
- command always allowed.
C355 (u) PL mode for specific port
Set PL required for a specific radio. This is not sticky, it will b
e reset on site
normal or processor reset.
Syntax is *C355r, where r is the port to change (link map is applied).
C356 (u) Send PL status for specific port