User’s Guide AT Command Reference
2110212 Rev 1.0 Page 113
Table 12-5: WS-Registers in CDPD Mode (continued)
Register Description Range Default Units
Auto-register NEI Index
If +WS173 (Registration Mode) is set to 1 (automatic) then
this index is used to point to the NEI to be automatically
registered upon entry to CDPD mode.
The +WPREG (Register) command will set the contents of
this register to match the value of +WS197 (Active NEI
Index), which is used for manual registration.
The D (Dial) command will also set this register if the N=n
modifier is used to select the NEI for registration.
NOTE: If this register is modified while on-line, the currently
active NEI is de-registered. If auto-registration (+WS173) is
enabled then the new NEI is registered provided the index
points to a valid NEI.
The modem supports up to four NEIs.
1 – 4 1*
Last value
the default.
Registration Wait Status
This register only applies to SLIP and UDP service. It is
ignored in TCP service.
Value Meaning
0 ATD goes online immediately. (Default)
1 ATD starts registration if needed and waits for
registration to complete before returning the result
0, 1 0
Active NEI Index
The modem supports up to four NEIs. This register defines
the NEI that is the target of the following commands:
+WPDEREG (De-register)
+WPREG (Register)
+WPNEI= (Write an NEI to the table)
+WPNEI? (Read the active NEI)
Modifying this register does not affect the current registration
The default value on power-up sets this register equal to the
contents of +WS176 (Auto-register NEI Index).
The D (Dial) command will also set this register if the N=n
modifier is used to select the NEI for registration. This
register will be set to the value of +WS176 (Auto-register
NEI Index) prior to the setting forced by the Dial command.
1 – 4 =+WS176
Registration Wait Time
Maximum amount of time for the +WPREG or ATD
commands to wait for successful network registration before
returning an error result.
This timer is related to registration with the network only. For
TCP PAD connections, there is a separate timer in register
S7 (TCP PAD Timeout) which must allow for BOTH this
registration and the TCP connection handshake.
1 – 255 30 seconds