Figure 28
Enter the Bucket Size in the provided edit control. A good value to start with is 16, 64, 256 or
1024, depending upon which model frame grabber you are using; an 8, 10, 16, or 14 bit format
Refer to the Histogram section in Chapter 6 for additional details. Statistics
Check this box to enable the addition of Statistical information in the Results window. Statistical
results will be computed for every numerical results item that is appearing in the Results window.
The statistical results provided are: Mean, Standard Deviation, Maximum, and Minimum.
To view the statistics results you must either maximize the Results window, or use the horizontal
scroll bar to bring the values into view.
Figure 29
There are three ways to control how many samples are used to generate the statistical results
calculations. The following choices and their usage is as follows:
1. Continuous: Statistical results will begin to accumulate when you click Start!, and do so
until you click Stop!.
2. Frames: Enter the number of frames of data that you want to accumulate for statistical
purposes. After you click Start! the LBA will run until the number of frames is collected
and then automatically Stop!.
3. Time: Enter the collection duration in Hours:Minutes:Seconds that you want to
accumulate statistical results. After you click Start! the LBA will run until the time is
depleted and then automatically Stop!.
In all of the above, you can click Stop! and click Start! to pause and to resume statistical data
collection. However, in cases 2 and 3 above, when you restart, it does not resume the cycle
Operator’s Manual LBA-PC