The Centroid Pass/Fail item allows you to define a circle that must contain the centroid of the
beam energy. To implement this test you must define the location of the center of a circle in
terms of its X and Y coordinate in the beam display window, and the Radius of the circle that
must contain it.
Both the X and Y Centroid location results will change color from GREEN to RED should the
centroid fall outside this circle.
3.3.3 Elliptical Pass/Fail
The following results may be set in the Pass/Fail Elliptical… dialog below the main menu
Pass/Fail item.
Figure 43 Orientation
The Orientation Pass/Fail item applies to the major axis inclination of an Elliptical beam. The
units for these two edit controls are always in degrees. The Major axis can tilt through an angle
in the range of +90 to -90 degrees. You can set the desired tilt Angle, and a +/- Range around
this angle, that will meet your testing criteria. The Rotation result will change color from
GREEN to RED should the angle fall outside of these set limits.
3.3.4 Gauss Pass/Fail
See the Pass/Fail Gauss… dialog below the main menu Pass/Fail item for a list of these items.
3.3.5 Top Hat Pass/Fail
See the Pass/Fail Top Hat… dialog below the main menu Pass/Fail item for a list of these items.
Operator’s Manual LBA-PC