• The Hardware Zoom.
• The Hardware Pan location.
• The Camera Type or Resolution setting.
• The Camera Electronic Shutter setting.
• The Video Gain and/or Black Level settings.
Warning: Gain Correction should be used with only one camera at a time. It will not correctly operate in
conjunction with the for camera option when automatic camera cycling is enabled.
3.1.8 File | Load Gain…
You can restore a previously saved .gai Gain Correction file from disk. The Gain Correction enunciator
will turn GREEN if the loaded file will operate under the current setup conditions. If it cannot operate
under the current setup conditions, it will show RED.
Note: It is highly recommended that you perform a Restore Config... on a .cfg configuration file that was saved
at the same time that the .gai Gain Correction file was created. This will insure that you can restore the settings to
the configuration that will allow the Gain Correction to operate correctly.
3.1.9 File | Save Gain As…
You can save the current Gain Correction table to a file. All gain correction files will have a .gai file
name extension. You will not be able to save the Gain Correction table unless you have previously
created it using Generate Gain.
Note: It is highly recommended that you perform a Save Config... and a Save Gain As... operation in
conjunction with each Generate Gain... operation. This will insure that you can restore the settings to the
configuration that will allow the Gain Correction to operate correctly.
3.1.10 Gain Off/On
Click on this button to turn Gain Correction processing OFF or ON. This item will only operate if a
Gain Correction table is present. For a Gain Correction table to be present it must have been created
by Generate Gain, or by being loaded from a disk file via Load Gain.
3.1.11 File | Logging...
The LBA-PC will allow you to log into disk files, in any combination, any of the following:
• Frame Data
• Numerical Results
• Frame Export Images
Data Logging files will have a .lb3/4/5/7 file extension name. The frames in a Data Logging file can
be read back into the Frame buffer by using the File and Load... menu selections.
Operator’s Manual LBA-PC
Doc. No. 10654-001, Rev 4.10