
Whatever the application, the
Redring Powerstream Professional
electric flow boiler provides an
efficient, versatile and safe way of
quickly heating water.
Suitable for both vented and
unvented wet central heating and
domestic hot water systems
wherever there's mains electricity.
There are over two million homes in Britain with no
mains gas supply as well as other rural homes, new
housing projects and multi-floor dwellings that would
benefit from the flexibility of a modern electric boiler.
Used as a direct replacement for Gas, Oil, Propane,
Solid Fuel or Electric Storage heating, the Powerstream
Professional flow boiler provides a practical way of
delivering hot water and heating to any home and can
be used with standard ‘wet’ system radiators, underfloor
heating, programmers, pumps, room stats and
thermostatic radiator valves.
There are seven models in the range to suit the majority
of applications, including sealed and open vented
installations. In addition, the flow boiler can provide
domestic hot water when used in conjunction with an
indirect hot water storage cylinder.
The Redring Powerstream Professional delivers the
industry standard where Gas, Oil, Propane or Solid Fuel
is not available; or fluing restrictions prevent the use of
boilers that use these fuels. The wet central heating
system boiler does not require costly servicing and
safety checks, has no need of any flue system and as
such provides the maximum flexibility in terms of
boiler location.
The Powerstream Professional flow boiler is 99.8%
efficient and silent in operation. It quickly produces hot
water by circulating water over electric heating elements
and its thermostatic temperature operation is adjustable
from 30°C to 80°C. It is suitable for a wide range of
properties including mobile homes, flats, apartments,
family houses and light commercial properties.
Innovative heat exchanger design Allows for a compact and easy to install unit
Space Heating only
Space Heating and Indirect Hot Water
Property New Build Older properties Tank Wash New Build Older properties
One room bedsit 20/200 RFB2 RFB4 50 litre Shower RFB4 RFB6
Two room flat 40/400 RFB4 RFB6 115 litre 1 bath RFB75 RFB9
One bed house 80/800 RFB6 RFB105 115 litre 1 bath RFB9 N/A
Two bed house 100/1000 RFB6 RFB12 115 litre 1 bath RFB105 N/A
Three bed house 130/1400 RFB9 N/A 115 litre 1 bath RFB12 N/A
Four bed house 150/1600 RFB9 N/A 140 litre 1 bath RFB12 N/A
Five bed house 190/2000 RFB12 N/A 200 litre 2 baths N/A N/A
Boiler Sizing: Please consult your installer/heating engineer/designer as to the correct size of Powerstream Professional boiler
. Size of the property, the insulation properties of the
building itself, the local and seasonal weather conditions and exactly what the boiler will be required to heat eg: heating and/or hot water will need to be considered. To discuss
individual delivery and design requirements or for help with making your selection please call: Technical - 08709 000430 or e-mail Design - AEDESIGN@applied-energy.com
In broad terms, stipulates minimum room temperatures and recovery times for typical hot water draw-offs
Based on average space heating requirement of 45 W/m
(New Build), 90W/m
(Older properties)
Includes requirement for a complete tank full recovery time of less than 3 hours
Powerstream Professional Selection Guide (Based on NHBC guidelines
Max floor area