Legacy (Bootable) Support: When this feature is selected,
Legacy Support menu will be available in the menu bar.
The Legacy Support menu includes a list of menu items
to support RAID functions for legacy RAID groups.
Delete Member Support: When this feature is selected,
Delete Member menu item will be available under the
Device menu. The Delete Member menu item allows the
user to delete a member from RAID 1 group.
Advanced RAID Features: When this feature is selected
and the user selects to create RAID group, if the RAID
group to be created is fault tolerant group (RAID1), the
user will be able to select Improper Shutdown Policy in
the Create RAID Group dialog box. The Advanced RAID
Features are not supported for Legacy RAID groups.
Resources Info Support: When this feature is selected,
Resources menu item will be available under the Window
menu. This feature is for debugging purpose only.
Device Menu Command
Create Spare and Delete Spare
This command displays a dialog box to let the user create
or delete a spare drive.
Delete Member
This command displays a dialog box to let the user
choose RAID groups' members to delete. Since RAID 0 is
not fault-tolerant, RAID 0 members will not be shown in
the list.