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5. Tomato Waffles
For approx. 8 waffles
5 Eggs
100 g Soft butter
1 tsp. Salt
8 tbsp. Butter milk
150 g Flour
100g Tomatos, dried and marinaded in oil
3 Stalks of basil
Grease the baking surfaces, close the appliance
and allow it to heat up.
First separate the eggs. Beat the whites until stiff.
Beat the yolks with the butter and salt until creamy.
Then blend in the butter milk and the flour.
Drain the tomatos and cut them into small pieces.
Wash the basil and shake it dry. Pluck off the leaves
and cut into small pieces. Stir the tomatoes and ba-
sil into the mixture, then mix in the egg white. Stir
the batter occasionally so that the tomato pieces
are distributed evenly.
Place about 2 tablespoons of pastry mixture into the
middle of each lower baking surface, then close the
waffle iron. Let each waffle bake for about 4 minu-
tes until golden brown. Lay the ready waffles on a
cake grill.
IB_54330_SDW1200A1_LB6 01.07.2010 10:32 Uhr Seite 8