4. See figure 52. Reattach the rod to the front axle with
the clip.
NOTE: Changing the rod length will affect the ground
clearance measurement at all height ranges and may be
used to make fine adjustments to the nozzle height at
any position desired.
The clutch cable does not require service.
If the clutch
cable should become detached from the clutch lever, fol-
low these steps:
1. Remove the vacuum nozzle housing as illustrated in
the hammer service section of this manual.
2. The clutch lever is located directly in front of the
3. To reattach the clutch cable to the clutch lever, push
the clutch lever back with one hand, and insert the
cable end into the hole in the lever (Figure 54).
4. When properly inserted, the clutch cable end hook
will be seated at the second bend in the hook
(Figure 55).
5. With the unit turned off, check the clutch lever for
proper operation by operating the power drive bail
Make sure that there is no slack in the clutch
cable when the bail lever is fully depressed against
the handle of the unit. If the cable is slack, release
the bail lever and move the spring end down one link
on the chain connector, and recheck for tautness.
Adjust tension until clutch cable is taut when bail
lever is depressed (Figure 56).
6. Reassemble the unit in the reverse sequence used
for disassembly.
Figure 54. Push Clutch Lever And Reinsert Cable End
Figure 55. Proper Clutch Cable Position On Clutch
Figure 56.