gure 14
Operating Instructions
Hose Hook-up & Inlets
Before operating your central vacuum…
Please verify that it is properly connected to the piping system, and to a
grounded electrical outlet, and that the low voltage wires are connected to
the unit (see pages 5 to 13). Then read the complete owner’s manual and
proceed with a quick verification of your unit’s installation:
• Checkfilterandbagtobesuretheyareproperlyinstalled.
• Checkrubbersealsineachvacuuminlet.
• Plugthehosealternativelyintoeachvacuuminlet,toensurethateach
one works properly.
• Whilethehoseisstillpluggedintooneinletandthesystemisopera-
tional, check other inlets for leaks.
To start your central vacuum, simply insert the hose in the vacuum inlet of
your choice. Please ensure that the tab on the hose end is properly lined
up with the slot in the inlet opening (figure 14). If your hose handle has an
integrated on/off switch, simply slide the switch to the “on” position.
Do not try to open another inlet while your system is in
operation, as it may damage the inlet’s rubber seal.