Description of the air cleaner
Front Side
Top Side
1 PlasmaWave™
2 Display Panel
3 DC Motor
4 Washable Nano-Silver Mesh/Carbon Filter
5 Cassette Frame
6 HEPA Filter
7 Pre-Filter
8 Front Panel
9 Power Plug
10 Air Outlet
11 Remote Control Cradle
Description of the air cleaner
Five-stage Cleaning
Air undergoes five separate processes before returning,
freshened and cleaned, to the room.
1 W
ashable Anti-Bacterial Pre-Filter (#7)
This reusable filter collects large particles, pollen,
pet hair, lint, etc.
A Filter (#6)
Captures 99.99% of particles and impurities as small
as .3 microns.
Stage 3 Nano-Silver
Mesh (#4)
A shield of silver particles one billionth of a meter in
size neutralizes bacteria on contact.
Stage 4 W
ashable Carbon Filter (#4)
This reusable activated granular carbon effectively collects
chemical vapors and odors caused by cigarette smoke,
organic decay and cooking.
5 PlasmaW
ave (#1)
In the final stage of cleaning, PlasmaWave technology generates
both positive and negative ions to create plasma clusters which
instantly neutralize viruses, bacteria, chemical vapors and odors
in the air.
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