Interchangeable Magazines
Interchangeable 6x6/120 or 6x6/220 magazine
With film-speed indication in one-third increments from
ISO 25/15° to 6400/39° and automatic frame counter.
Particularly fast and convenient work flow due to exter-
nal preloading of film inserts. The integral laminar
drawslide guarantees safe and rapid magazine and thus
film change without loss of pictures.
6 x 6/120 Cat. No. 711.64.012
6 x 6/220 Cat. No. 711.64.014
Film insert
Externally preloadable, in plastic case. Case separately
available. For extremely rapid film change.
Cat. No. 711.64.020
Rollei type 4560 magazine
Small and light-weight 4.5x6 magazine. Fitted to the
camera via an adapter frame; easily reset for vertical or
horizontal format. Viewfinder eyepiece and camera
position remain unchanged. Separate motor for film
advance and winding (power supplied by NiCd battery
of camera).
With integral laminar drawslide, preloadable film insert,
input of film speed and type (120 or 220), multiple
exposures. LC display of ASA/DIN setting and frame
number. With 4.5x6 viewfinder mask (vertical /
Magazine Cat. No. 711.64.010
Adapter Frame Cat. No. 711.64.024
Type 4560 film insert
Preloadable, symmetrical film insert for type 4560 mag-
azine. Guarantees rapid film change without time-con-
suming replacement of film spool.
Cat. No. 711.64.022
Instant-film magazine with film-speed input
and drawslide
For 8 or 10 size 6x6 exposures on instant 8.5x10.8cm
film pack. The magazine can be used with any of the
interchangeable viewfinders.
Cat. No. 711.64.016