C H A P T E R 1
Gettingstarted withSMARTNotebooksoftware
5 smarttech.com/kb/170496
Customizing the toolbar
You can add, remove and change the position of buttons on the toolbar by pressing Customize the
toolbar (see Customizing the toolbar on page 141).
By default, the toolbar appears at the top of the SMARTNotebook software window. However, you
can move it to the bottom of the window by pressing Move toolbar to top/bottom of window .
This is useful in situations where you or your students can’t reach the toolbar when it’s at the top of
the window.
Page Sorter
The Page Sorter displays all of the pages in the open file as thumbnails and automatically updates
these thumbnails as you change the contents of the pages.
Using the Page Sorter, you can do the following:
l Display pages
l Create pages
l Clone pages
l Clear pages
l Delete pages
l Rename pages
l Rearrange pages
l Move objects from one page to another
l Group pages
Opening the Page Sorter
To open the Page Sorter, press Page Sorter .
Customizing the Page Sorter
You can move the Page Sorter from one side of the SMARTNotebook software window to the other
by pressing Move Sidebar .
You can resize the Page Sorter by dragging its border left or right. You can also hide the Page Sorter
when you aren’t using it by selecting the Auto-hide check box. (To display the Page Sorter when it’s
hidden, press Page Sorter .)
If you reduce the Page Sorter to its minimum size, the auto-hide feature turns on automatically.