Chapter 1
1 smarttech.com/kb/170578
Chapter 1: Welcome
About SMARTInk 1
About SMARTInk Notes 1
About the SMARTInk Document Viewer 2
About the other SMART software on your computer 2
SMARTProductDrivers 2
SMARTNotebook software 2
SMARTMeetingPro software 2
Getting started with SMARTInk 3
Using SMARTInk after you disconnect yourinteractive product 3
This guide explains how to use SMARTInk™ with your SMARTinteractive product.
About SMARTInk
When you connect yourcomputer to your SMARTinteractive product, you can use SMARTInk to
write anddraw in digital ink overopen applications, files, folders, websites andany otheropen
window onyour computer.
Youcan write over each tab inan Internet browser. You can write overa video without pausingthe
video andwithout interfering with your ability to interact with the video. Youcan highlight content on
your screen. When youmove, resize orminimize a window, the ink stays with the window.
Youcan convert your digital ink notes to text. You can move, copy and paste anderase your digital
ink notes. You canalso capture your notes as an image and save it in a SMARTsoftware file.
When you open anapplication that has its own ink tools, you canturn off SMARTInk, and then use
the application ink tools to write in the content.
About SMARTInk Notes
SMARTInk Notes enable you to write in digital ink anywhereon your desktop. When you write
outside of the open windows onyour computer, a SMARTInk Note appears and you can write inside
the note (see Writingor drawing with SMARTInk Notes on page 13).