
This project has been in development for a long time, and I sincerely thank
everyone who contributed in any way to its success. However, there are a few
people I would like to point-out for their special contributions…
Jim Merod - For his to-the-point observations and criticism, and his
indefatigable efforts on behalf of music, musicians, and the audio
Kris Jeter - His hard work keeps the wheels turning here at SMc Audio,
and his good humor makes the work go smoothly.
Carl and Lena Carpenter / Carpenter’s Fine Woodworking - Their
precision machining work on the original wooden prototypes and
subsequent Corian models made this project a reality.
Jerry Boncer - For all of his help in the past, and for his original design of
the JFET buffer circuit that made its way into the VRE-1.
Conrad Lindberg - For all of his help with circuit development and board
layout, and numerous practical suggestions.
Lundahl Transformers - For their enthusiastic support and useful technical
929 El Pajodo Place
Vista, CA 92084
Tel: 760-732-0352
SMcAudio@pacbell.net / www.SMcAudio.com