3.8 Personal recipes
This menu allows you to enter a personal
recipe with the parameters you wish to use.
On first use, the appliance will only offer to
let you add a new recipe. After storing your
recipes, these will then be available in the
relative menu.
Adding a recipe
1. Select “add” from the personal recipes
2. Select the parameter to change:
Cooking temperature, function, duration,
shelf, weight.
3. Press the symbol; you will be asked
to enter a name for the recipe.
4. When you have finished making
changes, press the symbol; you will
be asked to confirm the changes you
have just made.
Up to 10 personal recipes can be
In order to be able to save the
recipe, the name must contain at
least one character.
If the changes are not confirmed,
the program will remain
The recipe name can contain
maximum 10 characters, including