Instructions for Use 17
Temperature Selection Knob
Turn the knob clockwise (B knob).
Washing temperature may be optionally selected up to 95°.
Programmes from A to B may be used as economic programme, if the
selected temperature is lower than 95°C. This feature will help you
save energy up to 40%.
On the position marked with a snow flake, the heaters are switched off
and you can select cold wash on all programmes. The duration of the
programme is the same as if the heaters are on.
Spinning-OFF Knob
Switch the spinning-OFF knob, if you want either:
− to switch off the spin cycle on all the programmes for delicates and
woolens; or
− the programmes for delicates to rinse without spinning and with short
end spin cycle (2 minutes).
Pump Stop Pushbutton
Use this switch for all programmes, except for programmes for
woolens, if you want your laundry to remain in the last rinsing water.
When this pushbutton is off, the washing programme end with spin
Extra Rinsing Switch
All washing programmes are designed for the optimum use of water,
during the washing as well as during the rinsing cycle. Use the extra
rinsing cycle if you are allergic to washing agents. The switch may be
pressed either before washing or before rinsing.