men_ the air available
to your S_ppar engine Is"
heavily eatura_ wl_ air-
quickly mln an engine,
manufactumre equip their
engines with extremely
_clent air cleanere to
As the dirt particles are stopped,
reduces the amount of air
available to the engine and causes
an over-rich fuel mixture which re-
sults !n the following adverse
An improperly serviced, dirt
clogged air cleaner will:
1. Increase fuel consumption
2. cause power loss
3. result In hard starting
4. create smoke from unburn_
5, pmdu_
6, foul spark plug
7. _re_llnd_ walls
8, burn valves
Damage caused by a poorly ser_tced air
cleaner ts not under tim engine
warr_-_tles. So, save yourself unnecessary
expenses and undue aggravation by keeping
owner's manual for the type filter used. Pre-
vent dirt from falling into the carburetor intake
when servl_ng your air cleaner. Make sum
components are Installed In correct sequence
after servicing to prevent unfiltered air from
entering the engine. Some servicing hints on
several common types are: