
26 Basic Functions
[ S N O M 1 9 0 A D M I N I S T R A T O R M A N U A L V 3 . 0 0 ]
snom technology AG 27
[ S N O M 1 9 0 A D M I N I S T R A T O R M A N U A L V 3 . 0 0 ]
Dialing an H.323/SIP address
An H.323/SIP address can be entered via the alphanumeric
block. You will nd the “@” symbol by pressing the numeric key “1”
several times.
E.164 numbers
E.164 is the standard that denes normal phone numbers. They
may contain digits from 0-9, * and #. H.323 differentiates between
these numbers and “H.323 addresses” that may contain alphanumeric
characters. Several Gatekeeper implementations do not differentiate
between E.164 numbers and H.323 addresses. If you encounter problems,
try specifying the number as an H.323 address.
Key mapping:
Moves the cursor to the left.
Moves the cursor to the right.
Deletes the character to the left of the
A->1 Changes input mode to numbers.
a->A Changes input mode to capital letters.