3-14 Oracle Telecommunications Billing Integrator Implementation Guide
Bill Summary UI Profiles Values
Profile Option Value
XNB: Bill Image
Specifies the source of the image displayed on the bill. The values are:
Application: The source of the bill image is application specific.
The billing application provides the URL to the bill details and the
bill summary.
File System: The bill image can be retrieved from the file system.
XNB: Bill Image
Specifies the location of the bill image in the file system. 'XNB: Bill
Image Source' must be set to 'File System'. The path specified must be a
relative path accessible to the application web server.
The path specified is appended to the $OA_HTML path of the web
server to retrieve the bill image.
XNB: Bill Image
Specifies the format of the bill image. This value is used as the file
extension for the image name, which is same as the bill number. For
example: gif, jpeg.
Providing Access and Enabling the Bill Summary UI
To access Bill Summary UI from Oracle Contact Center, select a responsibility that has
access to Oracle Contact Center. Use the System Administrator responsibility.
Navigation: Security : Responsibility > Define
1. Query for 'Menu' to identify the root level menu attached to the responsibility.
Navigate to Application > Menu. Query for the menu identified in the previous
Add the seeded function XNB_OA_ACCT_BILL_DETAILS to the menu with the
following values:
• Description: XNB Account Bill Details OA Page
To enable the Bill Summary UI, add the seeded function