Log Event Messages
307 logstrWanModeIs Warning The network connection in use is
326 logstrWfoProbeFailed Warning Probing failure on %s
342 logstrLogIkeProposalBadModeForX
Warning IKE Responder: Mode %d - not
transport mode. Xauth is required
but not supported by peer.
345 logstrLogIkeProposalOutsideRemN
Warning IKE Responder: Tunnel terminates
outside firewall but proposed
remote network is not NAT public
346 logstrLogIkeBeginInitiatorPh2 Warning IKE Initiator: Start Quick Mode
(Phase 2).
349 logstrIpsecSaLifetimeExpired Warning IPSEC SA lifetime expired.
350 logstrIkeSaLifetimeExpired Warning IKE SA lifetime expired.
351 logstrStartMMIkeNegotiation Warning IKE Initiator: Start Main Mode
negotiation (Phase 1)
352 logstrReceiveQMRequest Warning IKE Responder: Received Quick
Mode Request (Phase 2)
353 logstrInitMMPhase1Complete Warning IKE Initiator: Main Mode complete
(Phase 1)
354 logstrInitAMPhase1Complete Warning IKE Initiator: Aggressive Mode
complete (Phase 1).
355 logstrRespMMIkeRequest Warning IKE Responder: Received Main
Mode request (Phase 1)
356 logstrRespAMIkeRequest Warning IKE Responder: Received
Aggressive Mode request (Phase
357 logstrRespMMPhase1Complete Warning IKE Responder: Main Mode
complete (Phase 1)
358 logstrStartAMIkeNegotiation Warning IKE Initiator: Start Aggressive
Mode negotiation (Phase 1)
434 logstrWfoManualSecProfile Warning PPP Dial-Up: Trying to failover but
Alternate Profile is manual
435 logstrWfoFailback Warning WLB Failback initiated by %s
436 logstrWfoProbeSuccess Warning Probing succeeded on %s
445 logstrAcceptingResponderLifetime Warning IKE Initiator: Accepting peer
lifetime. (Phase 1)
447 logPkeFailure Warning PKI Failure
448 logPkeOutputLen Warning PKI Failure: Output buffer too small
449 logPkeAlloc Warning PKI Failure: Cannot alloc memory
Message ID Log Event Priority Description of Log Event