Using NetExtender
SonicWALL SSL VPN 5.5 User Guide
Step 3 Enter NECLI.exe. The NetExtender CLI launches and displays a summary of the available
C:\Program Files (x86)\SonicWALL\SSL-VPN\NetExtender>NECLI.exe
Copyright (c) 2011 SonicWALL, Inc.
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Application Version 5.5.155 .1111P|.
Copyright (c) 2011 SonicWALL, Inc. ,b1PP|`
Table 1 describes the commands available in the NetExtender CLI and their options.
Table 1 NetExtender CLI Commands
Command Options Description
NECLI addprofile Creates a NetExtender profile
-s server The IP address or hostname of the SSL VPN
-u user-name The username for the account.
-p password The password for the account.
-d domain-name The domain to connect to.
NECLI connect Initiates a NetExtender session.
-s server The IP address or hostname of the SSL VPN
-u user-name The username for the account.
-p password The password for the account.
-d domain-name The domain to connect to.
- clientcertificatethumb
The SSL Client Certificate thumbprint value.
- clientcertificatename
The SSL Client Certificate name.
NECLI deleteprofile Deletes a saved NetExtender profile.
-s server The IP address or hostname of the SSL VPN
-u user-name The username for the account.
-d domain-name The domain to connect to.
NECLI disconnect Disconnects
timeout (Optional) Timeout duration, after which the
session is disconnected.