
Command List
AF Active Time* 00 to FF
AF Interval Time* 00 to FF
Spot AE X position 00 to 0F
Spot AE Y position 00 to 0F
R Gain 00 to FF
B Gain 00 to FF
Aperture Level 00 to 0F
V-Phase 00 to
020C (NTSC)
0270 (PAL)
AE Response 01 to 20
AutoICR ON t
00 to 1C
OFF Threshold Level
MD Threshold Level 00 to FF
MD Interval Time* 00 to FF
MD Set Horizontal Position 00 to 0C
MD Set Vertical Position 00 to 08
PrivacyZone X position
00 to 0F
(starting point)
PrivacyZone Y position
00 to 0B
(starting point)
PrivacyZone Mask Width 00 to 10
PrivacyZone Mask Height 00 to 0C
* Unit: One second