
Thank you for purchasing the FS-1570 (150 W)/FS-2570 (250 W) SSB Radiotelephone.
We are confident you will discover why FURUNO has become synonymous with quality
and reliability.
Dedicated in the design and manufacture of marine electronics equipment for over half a
century, FURUNO Electric Company has gained an unrivaled reputation as a world leader
in the industry. This is the result of our technical excellence as well as our worldwide
distribution and service network.
Please carefully read and follow the safety information and operating and maintenance
instructions set forth in this manual before attempting to operate the equipment and
conduct any maintenance. Your unit will perform to the utmost of its ability only if it is
operated and maintained in accordance with the correct procedures.
Note: The example screens shown in this manual may not match the screens you see on
your display. The screen you see depends on your system configuration and equipment
The FS-1570/FS-2570 is an MF/HF SSB Radiotelephone with a built-in DSC/Watch
Receiver, all contained in a surprisingly compact cabinet. An NBDP (Narrow Band Direct
Printing) Terminal Unit is optionally available.
Data is displayed on a large, easy-to-read backlit LCD. Operation is simplified by the use
of few keys and easy-to-follow menus.
The built-in DSC/watch receiver produces and receives digital selective calls for quick and
efficient establishment of distress, urgency, safety and routine communications with other
ships and coast stations that install any MF/HF DSC facilities.
The main features are
Fully meets the following regulations: IMO A.694(17), IMO A.804(19), IMO A.806(19),
IMO A.813(19), IMO MSC 68(68), IEC 60945, IEC 61907-3/8/9, IEC-61162-1,
EIV-300/338, ITU-R M.493-10, M.541-8, M.1082-1, EN 300 373, EN 300 338, EN 300
033 and ETS 300 067.
One-touch testing facility
Automatic entry of position with manual override
Optional printer can automatically print out DSC and NBDP received messages and test
offered by Busse-Yachtshop.de email: info@busse-yachtshop.de