Set Data(n byte)00h Item No. n
Request Item No. Data
Get Data(n byte)OK(01h) Item No. n
01h Item No. 0
Request Item No.
Get Data(n byte)OK(01h) Item No. n
4. Requests and Responses
Requests and responses are described below.
4-1. Requests
Requests are only a GET request that gets the display information or state and a SET request that changes
the setting of display equipment.
Request Contents
SET (00h) Writes data in the register of display equipment.
GET (01h) Gets the installation information, equipment state, or setting values.
SET command:
Communication with the main microcomputer of display equipment can be done via a network by using
the protocol dedicated to FWD-S42H1/S47H1 as well as an ID Talk protocol. Use a SET command in
this case. (Also, use a SET command when receiving information from the display equipment.)
4-2. Responses
A response returns the result of execution to the request from a host.
Response Contents
NG (00h) Indicates that a request is invalid or could not be executed.
OK (01h) Indicates that a request could be executed normally.
4-3. SET request
The SET request sets a new value to the specied item. A request and its response are described in details
SET request
Response to SET request
4-4. GET request
The GET request gets the value of the specied item. A request and its response are described in details
GET request
Response to GET request