masterpage: Left
• The LocationFreeTV does not support the
IBSS mode or the adhoc mode.
• Be aware that if the LocationFreeTV is not set
to encrypt transferred data, there is a danger
that data can be electronically intercepted.
LocationFreeTV can operate in the 5120-
5250 MHz frequency band (the channels are
36,40,44,48). It is limited by the FCC,
Industry Canada and some other countries to
indoor use only.
You can connect to networks with a plus (+)
symbol under [Signal], but the procedure
differs under the following conditions.
When connecting to a network for the first
Choose the network you want to connect to
from the list and select [Configure]. Proceed
to step 5.
When connecting to a network you have
connected to before:
A plus (+) symbol appears under [Avail.] on
the list. Select the network from the list and
proceed to step 8.
z Tip
To connect to a stealth SSID public wireless
access, select [New].
Refer to documents about the public wireless
access to configure the necessary items,
select [Set], and then select [Back].
Enter the SSID (network name) of the public
wireless access you want to connect to.
An SSID is used to identify a wireless
2 Alias
If necessary, set an Alias.
Enter a nickname for the public wireless
access. The alias can be up to 8 characters.
3 Authentication scheme
Configure the authentication scheme needed
to connect to the public wireless access.
Refer to documents about the public wireless
access to configure this setting.
4 Encryption
Configure these items when the public
wireless access is set for encryption.
Refer to documents about the public wireless
access to configure these settings.
z Tip
Many locations that offer public wireless
access use “No Encryption” access points.
In that case, select “No Encryption”.
Enter a character string as an encryption key.
The encryption key length differs, however,
for different encryption strengths. See the
table below.
For WPA-PSK, enter a key that is between 8
and 64 characters long. Only hexidecimal
keys can use all the following characters: 0-9,
a-f, A-F.
If you changes the setting value in step 5,
press the [Set] button.
Select the [Back] button.
The [Public Wireless Access] window
40 bit/64 bit
104 bit/128
Key length
5 characters
13 characters
Key length
10 characters
(0-9, A-F, a-f)
26 characters
(0-9, A-F, a-f)