
TRIM (10th byte)
This command is used to set the reference level of the input terminal.
Function ON/OFF (11th byte)
This command is used to turn ON/OFF the parametric equalizer with the 8-bit data.
bit7 bit6 bit5 bit4 bit3 bit2 bit1 bit0
When you want to turn ON the function, set bit 2 to 1. When you want to turn OFF the function, set bit 2 to 0.
Bit-0, bit-1 and bit-3 to bit-7 are fixed all the time.
PEQ frequency (12 and 15th byte)
This command is used to set the center frequency [Hz] of parametric equalizer.
-10dBu 30[H] (0)
-9dBu 31[H] (1)
-8dBu 32[H] (2)
-7dBu 33[H] (3)
-6dBu 34[H] (4)
-5dBu 35[H] (5)
-4dBu 36[H] (6)
-3dBu 37[H] (7)
-2dBu 38[H] (8)
-1dBu 39[H] (9)
0dBu 3A[H] (:)
Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency
25 20[H] (‘’)280 38[H] (8) 1.12k 50[H] (P) 4.50k 68[H] (h)
31.5 21[H] (!) 297 39[H] (9) 1.18k 51[H] (Q) 4.75k 69[H] (i)
40 22[H] ( )315 3A[H] (:) 1.25k 52[H] (R) 5.00k 6A[H] (j)
50 23[H] (#)335 3B[H] (;) 1.32k 53[H] (S) 5.30k 6B[H] (k)
63 24[H] ($) 355 3C[H] (<) 1.40k 54[H] (T) 5.60k 6C[H] (l)
80 25[H] (%) 375 3D[H] (=) 1.50k 55[H] (U) 5.95k 6D[H] (m)
100 26[H] (&)400 3E[H] (>) 1.60k 56[H] (V) 6.30k 6E[H] (n)
106 27[H] ( ) 425 3F[H] (?) 1.70k 57[H] (W) 6.70k 6F[H] (o)
112 28[H] (() 450 40[H] (@) 1.80k 58[H] (X) 7.10k 70[H] (p)
118 29[H] ()) 474 41[H] (A) 1.90k 59[H] (Y) 7.50k 71[H] (q)
125 2A[H] (*) 500 42[H] (B) 2.00k 5A[H] (Z) 8.00k 72[H] (r)
132 2B[H] (+) 530 43[H] (C) 2.12k 5B[H] ([) 8.50k 73[H] (s)
140 2C[H] (,) 560 44[H] (D) 2.24k 5C[H] (\) 9.00k 74[H] (t)
150 2D[H] (-) 595 45[H] (E) 2.37k 5D[H] (]) 9.50k 75[H] (u)
160 2E[H] (.) 630 46[H] (F) 2.50k 5E[H] (^) 10.0k 76[H] (v)
170 2F[H] (/) 670 47[H] (G) 2.65k 5F[H] (_) 10.6k 77[H] (w)
180 30[H] (0) 710 48[H] (H) 2.80k 60[H] (`) 11.2k 78[H] (x)
190 31[H] (1) 750 49[H] (I) 2.97k 61[H] (a) 11.8k 79[H] (y)
200 32[H] (2)800 4A[H] (J) 3.15k 62[H] (b) 12.5k 7A[H] (z)
212 33[H] (3)850 4B[H] (K) 3.35k 63[H] (c) 13.2k 7B[H] ({)
224 34[H] (4)900 4C[H] (L) 3.55k 64[H] (d) 14.0k 7C[H](|)
237 35[H] (5)950 4D[H] (M) 3.75k 65[H] (e) 16.0k 7D[H](})
250 36[H] (6) 1.00k 4E[H] (N) 4.00k 66[H] (f) 20.0k 7E[H](~)
265 37[H] (7) 1.06k 4F[H] (O) 4.25k 67[H] (g)