Administrating the Camera
Configuring the Network — Network setting Page
Primary DNS
Type the IP address of the primary DNS server.
Secondary DNS
Type the IP address of the secondary DNS server, if
Bandwidth control
Limits the data communication bandwidth of the
You can select from among the following:
Unlimited, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0,
6.0, 7.0, 8.0 (Mbps)
Select Unlimited when you do not want to limit the
• If you limit the bandwidth, the camera performance
may be affected, for example, the frame rate of image
display may be reduced.
• The actual bandwidth may differ from the selected
option depending on the network environments.
See “Buttons common to every setting page” on page
HTTP port setting Section
You can set the port number for the HTTP server on the
HTTP port No.
Normally select 80. If you want to use a port number
other than 80, select the text box and type a port number
between 1024 and 65535.
When you have set the HTTP port No. to a number other
than 80 on the Network setting page or in the Setup
Program, access the camera by typing the IP address of
the camera on the web browser, as follows:
Example: when HTTP port No. is set to 8000
Notifying the IP Address
— Dynamic IP address notification
When the DHCP menu is set to On, you can send the
notification of the completion of the network settings
(Wired LAN settings) using the SMTP or HTTP
Select On to send an E-mail when the DHCP setting is
SMTP server name
Type the name or IP address of the SMTP server you
want to use for sending an E-mail, up to 64 characters.
Recipient e-mail address
Type the recipient E-mail address up to 64 characters.
You can specify only one recipient E-mail address.
From e-mail address
Type the E-mail address that is displayed in the From
field of E-mails, up to 64 characters. This is used as the
reply address or the address for the system mail from the
mail server.
Type the subject/title of the E-mail up to 64 characters.
Type the text of the E-mail up to 384 characters. You
can describe the information of the acquired IP address,
etc. using the special tags mentioned below.