Administrating the Camera
Setting the Camera tampering detection/Motion detection — Action input Menu
Time until left/removed object is detected
Enter the time you want to elapse before the alarm is
triggered. This setting is available only when the filter
type is set to Left object or Removed object.
Filter settings
Settings for each filter can be edited here.
The inspection line and active window are set to default
values. Edit according to use.
VMF status indicator of each filter
The filter is on when the set filter type conditions
(Intrusion, Passing, Left object, Removed object) are
The buttons displayed on the edit screen for filter is used
in the same way as those for detection setting. See
page 43.
This criterion is for whether a moving object exists in
the trigger area.
Similar to an active window, a trigger area can also be
moved and vertexes can be moved, added or deleted.
Edit the pass inspection line according to the following
Passing object trigger line
By default, one passing object trigger line is displayed.
The number of vertexes is 2.
Placing the cursor on the line will turn the cursor into a
cross, and when you drag the line, the whole line will
Placing the cursor on the vertex will turn the cursor into
n, and when you drag the line, the vertex will move.
The arrow displayed in the center of the passing object
trigger line shows the direction of inspection. Trigger is
performed when an object passes the passing object
trigger position in this direction.
Trigger direction setting
Each time you click , the trigger direction toggles
among the directions left, right and both.
Passing object trigger position
Select the passing object trigger position from All sides,
Left side, Top side, Right side and Bottom side.