Reassembly is simply a reverse of the procedure above. Particular care should be
taken when fixing the regulators, ensuring that the pins are not bent or the circuit board
pads strained when the fixing screws are tightened. The regulator screws are tapped
into a relatively soft aluminium heatsink.
or you will
strip the thread in the heatsink. High performance mounting pads must be fitted
between the regulators and the heatsink. The regulators must be checked for isolation
from the heatsink using a multimeter.
Re-dress cable forms in their original positions and secure where applicable with cable
The +/-17V and +48V rails are adjustable via trimpots on the pcb. After any repair
these should be checked
on load
and adjusted if necessary. Set the 17V rails to 17.5V
+/- 0.1V, and the 48V rail to 48.3 +/- 0.1V. The 5V rail is not adjustable.
Before replacing the top cover on the unit, carefully remove any dust from surfaces
within the unit.
Carefully check all wiring connections and ensure
that there are no loose parts lying around inside the
Technical Description 19