• Adjust the input gain until the meter is just reaching the
amber section (0dB) at a typical maximum source level.
This allows sufficient headroom to accommodate peaks
and establishes the maximum level for normal operation
(but see note below).
• Repeat this procedure on other channels as required.
• If you cannot obtain a satisfactory setting, e.g. the gain con-
trol is right at the extreme low end of the scale on
Microphone Input, and +48V powering is not required, try
using the Line Input instead to give an extra 20dB range.
• Listen carefully for the characteristic sound of ‘feedback’.
If you cannot achieve satisfactory input level setting with-
out feedback, check microphone and speaker placement
and repeat the exercise.
• Build up the required individual monitor mixes by feeding
the selected channels to the monitor outputs using the
channel monitor send controls. The corresponding output
faders should be initially set at the ‘0’ mark. Listen care-
fully for each component in the mix and watch the
respective output meter for any hint of overload. As more
channels are added to the mix, the meters may move into
the red section. Adjust the overall level using the Output
Faders if necessary, or back off the appropriate channel
faders until the level is out of the red segments.
Note: The level of any source signal in the final output is af-
fected by many factors, principally the Gain control, Channel
Fader and Output Fader. You should try to use only as much
microphone gain as required to achieve a good balance be-
tween signals, with the faders set as described above. If the
input gain is set too high, the channel fader will need to be
pulled down too far in compensation to leave enough travel
for successful mixing and there is a greater risk of feedback
because small fader movements will have a very significant
effect on output level. If the gain is set too low, you will not
find enough gain on the faders to bring the signal up to an
adequate level.
Microphone Placement Careful microphone placement and the choice of a suitable
type of microphone for the job is one of the essentials of suc-
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