Reference Lives!
Can you believe that it has been over a decade since the legendary Soundstream Reference amps graced the car
audio industry?! Maybe you bought this amplifier because the best amplifier you ever had was a Reference from back in
the day. Maybe you bought it for its legendary performance. Regardless of the reason, we know you’ll love your new SS
Ref & will appreciate its unparalleled quality.
When we first decided to reintroduce the coveted amplifiers, we just wanted something as fine as the originals.
They were finer than most amplifiers in the marketplace today. After failing to deliver for a couple of years, we decided
to hold back until we were 100% certain that there was nothing else we could do to make the amplifiers any better.
Many crappy clone amps popped up in Germany and Asia, but none were real Soundstream Reference amplifiers, and
they certainly did not come from us. We feel confident that we came up with everything you’d ever want. The preamp
controls are extensive. The circuitry is very advanced. Even the painstaking task of making sure every board trace is in
the perfect location yielded phenomenal results – damping factors from >1500 to >3000! Don’t fall for the foolish tale
that this doesn’t matter! The ability of an amplifier to accurately control the speaker is of critical importance! Duh!
Most amplifier manuals get thrown in the trash or never even make it out of the box. The new Ref amps are very
sophisticated and the silk screening on the front of the amplifier cannot begin to unfurl the powers of the new preamp
sections. It would not be wise to ditch this manual without thoroughly reading it over first. So grab a beer, a glass of
wine or a stupid latte and take a few minutes to chill out and absorb the intensity of the new SS Refs. Actually, if you are
reaching for a latte, you’re a fruitcake and do not deserve this amplifier. Grow a pair! Grab a 6-pack of your favorite mi-
crobrew and read the freakin’ manual!!
*Note – while drinking some great beer is one of life’s greatest pleasures, please do not drink the whole 6-pack and attempt to work with electron-
ics. Drinking fizzy, yellow light beer is for wussies and will probably make your amplifier spontaneously combust. Seriously, it happens. Sound-
stream engineers are willing to install your amplifier for you if you send them a plane ticket for two and cover all expenses, including great beer.