ALS120 Audio Driver Installation SY-5STM
9. In the Sound Chip Configuration Program menu, 8-Bit
Sound/16-Bit Sound/FM Music box will be displayed. Select
each box and verify the correct operation of the ALS120 sound
card. Follow the instructions given for each mode. If the sound
card does not operate correctly in any mode, reconfigure it by
re-running this procedure.
10. When satisfied with the operation of the ALS120 sound card,
select [OK] to exit the utility.
5-6 Troubleshooting
The ALS120 sound card is designed to run trouble free once it is
installed and set up. Most problems will be encountered during
installation and setup or will be encountered later when something is
changed in the system. The following are descriptions of and
solutions for the more common problems that you may encounter.
Please review these problems before requesting technical
Troubleshooting in DOS
Symptom Possible Cause Corrective Action
No sound when playing
a DOS game
There may be a conflict
in the SB16 settings.
Rerun the
A3CONFIG.EXE utility
and try another Port,
DMA, or IRQ address.
Troubleshooting in Windows 3.1
Symptom Possible Cause Corrective Action
There is no “Sound” or
“ MIDI Sequencer” item
in the Device pull-down
menu in the Media
Player or the alsrack.exe
application does not
The MIDI software driver
may not be loaded. Check
the system.ini file for the
following lines. If any are
missing, perform the steps
outlined in the Solution. If
all are present, call for
technical assistance.
Run the
utility in its entirety.