Sag Setting: Set the sag (20-25% of shock stroke). See
attached pressure chart for starting air pressure.
Note - the chart is only a starting point, actual sag needs to the
checked and adjusted on the bike, while riding, and at regular
intervals. After setting the pressure, push the rubber ring up to
the seal, sit on the bike gently, dismount, and measure sag.
Set Standard rebound damping adjuster to rider preference.
Typically a slower rebound for slow speed, bigger hits to
eliminate kickback, or faster rebound for higher speeds and
smaller hits, so the suspension does not dive and has time to
rebound between bumps
Fox Triad ride tips (fig. 1):
Three compression settings dial in
the shock efficiency and ride characteristics.
1) Lockout- compression is closed, locking out the shock for
the most efficient pedaling setting.
2) ProPedal- adds in slow speed compression to improve shock
efficiency while still allowing the shock to absorb medium
and large size hits. This setting is great for all-round riding
providing an efficient pedaling platform while still absorbing
trail features.
3) Open- very little compression damping for the most supple
and sensitive ride possible.
X-Fusion RLA ride tips (fig. 2):
the RLA shock has a unique
rebound adjust feature that affects compression, and lockouts
at the “+” side.
X-Fusion RC ride tips:
the blue compression lever will close the
shock’s compression, locking it out for the most efficient ride.