1. Main Features
H.264 Video Compression
Reliable File System
4 Channel Audio Recording
Individual Channel Operation
Automatic Video Input, Video Loss, and HDD Error Detection
Covert Camera Operation Provides Enhanced Security.
Motion Detection
Simple and Easy Graphic User Interface
Easy Record Setup Feature: EZRecord
Simple Scheduler
Firmware Upgrade by USB port or Network.
Instant and Convenient Backup via USB Flash Drive or Network.
Exclusive File Format Backup and Player
Variety of Ways Network Access via CMS Network Client Software, Web-Viewer, and Mobile Viewer
S.M.A.R.T. (Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology for HDD)
NOTE: Under federal law, The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, Title III of the Omnibus Crime
Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, as amended by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 (18
U.S.C. § 2510, et seq.), and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (50 U.S.C. 1801, et seq.)
permit government agents, acting with the consent of a party to a communication, to engage in warrantless
interceptions of telephone communications, as well as oral and electronic communications.