
6. If the Administrator has restricted access to known users, you will then be prompted for a username and password.
Enter the name and password assigned to you by the Network Camera administrator.
7. The first time you connect to the camera, you will be prompted to install an ActiveX component (OCX or CAB file), as in the
example below.
You must install this ActiveX component (OCX or CAB file) in order to view the Video stream in Internet Explorer.
Click the "Yes" button to install the ActiveX component.
Figure 14: ActiveX OCX Prompt
8. Video will start playing automatically. There may be a delay of a few seconds while the video stream is buffered.
Viewing Live Video
After installing the ActiveX component, you will be able to view the live video stream in its own window, as shown below.
Figure 15: View Video Screen
There are a number of options available on this screen, accessed by select list, button or icon. See the table below for details.