Component Placement
Refer to the Plumbing Diagrams
Mount the strainer in an accessible area close to the intake through-
hull that can handle water spillage during service. Extra care during
assembly must be taken to avoid air leaks from the strainer. Use the
supplied “Quick Block” and wire tie for mounting.
The fresh water flush module may be located in any convenient location
near the Feed pump module. It should be mounted with the filter hous-
ing vertical and accessible for changing filters. Allow 2” below the fil-
ter housing for removal. Do not install over electrical equipment. The
unit contains a charcoal filter for the flush water, flush solenoid and
flush water pressure regulator.
Feed Pump Module
Fresh Water Flush Module
Mount the feed pump module on a horizontal or vertical sur-
face that can be up to 3’ (1.0M) above the waterline. It is
to mount as low as possible. Locate in an area that
allows easy access to the filters and left hand side and where
water spills during filter changes will not be a problem. Keep
future maintenance in mind when choosing a location. The
feed pump has overheat protection and will not operate prop-
erly at ambient temperatures over 120F (48C).
Remove front cover
to access mounting
holes in the enclo-
Boost Pump module
The boost pump module should be
mounted vertically with the service hose
connection at the top. The boost pump
must be installed below the water line to
ensure that it will prime.