EQ Table
0 150 - avoids collision with bass and kick
Vocals 100 140 + lls deep vocals
Vocals 180 300 - slenderizes spoken voices
Vocals 200 - reduces pulp in vocals
Vocals 200 350 + belly of vocals
Vocals 200 400 - clarity
Vocals 300 400 + more warmth, full-bodied
Vocals 600 +/- foundation
Vocals 1,8K 4K + presence; vocals up front
Vocals 3K 4K + lead vocals up front/more clarity
Vocals 3K 4K - more air in backings
Vocals 3K - masks wrong intonation
Vocals 4K 6K + singing voices: more intelligibility
Vocals 4K 6K - feedback-sensitive range (live)
Vocals 7K 11K - reduces sibilants
Vocals 8K 10K + brightens vocals; presence
Vocals 12K + more brilliance, air
80 120 + fuller basses with acoustic guitars
GTR/Keyb. 100 - less boom, more clarity
Guitar 100 200 -
resonances (106Hz, 212Hz) of ac. guitars
Guitar 180 280 + makes guitars fuller, more fat
GTR/Keyb. 250 500 - less pulp
GTR/Keyb. 300 400 + more warmth
Guitar 800 1K - reduces cheap sound of e-guitars
GTR/Keyb. 1,2K 2K -
reduces dullness, metal; room for vocals
GTR/Keyb. 2K 3K +/- more/less aggressive; overexposure
Guitar 3K 5K + more attack for e- and ac. guitars
Guitar 3K - masks badly tuned guitars
Guitar 5K + brightens up e- and ac. guitars
Guitar 5K - softens thin guitars
Guitar 10K 12K + brightens up guitars
80 160 + saturated depth
Piano 2,5K + (narrow band) boost: Honky Tonk sound
Piano 3K + more attack for lower tones
Piano 5K + more attack for normal tones
Piano 10K + brightens up
Piano/Bläs. 100 300 + more warmth and belly
100 300 + fuller sound
Brass 700 1,5K - reduces metal
Brass 4K 8k + places instruments up front
Brass 4K 8K - reduces sharpness
200 300 + fuller strings
Strings 7K 11K +/- emphasizes/reduces brilliance