Additional Information
The caller will be charged according to national rates, including local taxes, unless the phone
number is a toll-free number.
Australia 1-300 650 050 Ireland 1850 545 888
Austria 0810 200245 Italy 06.48895206
Argentina 0-800-33-374 27 Malaysia 03-78809800
02-745 16 11 Mexico 001-95-888-821-8408
Brazil 4001-0444 (todas as capitais)
0 (prestadora)+DD 4001-
0444 (demais localidades)
* Cust de chamada local
Netherlands 0900 899 8318
New Zealand 0800-100150
815 00 840
Poland 0-22 691 62 00
Canada 1-866-766-7374 Philippines
Chile 123-0020-0656 Portugal 808 204 466
China (10) (20) (21) 95 000 368 Russia 095 7870986
Colombia 1-800-912-2135 Singapore 67440733
Croatia 062 000 000 Slovakia 02-5443 6443
Czech Republic 855 555655 South Africa 0861 632222
Denmark 33 31 28 28 Spain 902 180 576
Finland 09-299 2000 Sweden 013-24 45 00
France 0 825 383 383 Switzerland 0848 824 040
Germany 0180 534 2020 Taiwan 02-25625511
Greece 801-11-810 810
from a mobile 210-89 91 919
Thailand 02-2483030
Turkey 0212 47 37 777
Hong Kong
8203 8863 United Arab 04 3919880
Hungary 01 437 7300
India 011-5161 5555
Bangalore 080 - 57505555
Mumbai 022 - 56995555
United Kingdom 08705 23 7237
United States 1-866-766-9374
Venezuela 0-800-1-00-2250
Indonesia 021-2701388