Section 2H: Using Your Phone’s Voice Services 141
Recording Your Name for a Prerecorded
You can use a prerecorded announcement with or without
your name. If you record your name, your phone adds your
name to the prerecorded message to announce that you are
not available to answer calls.
To record your name:
1. Select > Tools > Voice Memo > Screen Call >
2. HighlightPre-Recordedand select Edit(rightsoftkey) >
Record Name
3. Press to startthe first recording. (Press to stop
recording. The maximum recording time is 12 seconds.)
4. After the first recording, press again to start the
second recording.
5. Press to stop recording.
Recording a Customized Announcement
To record an announcement:
1. Select > Tools > Voice Memo > Screen Call >
2. SelectCustomand select Edit(rightsoftkey) > Record.
3. Press to startthe first recording. (Press to stop
recording. The maximum recording time is 12 seconds.)
4. After the first recording, press again to start the
second recording.
5. Press to stop recording.
Voice Services