Direct Connect
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Get the Most out of Sprint Direct Connect
Dial Direct Connect Numbers
• If the person you are calling has a separate
number for Direct Connect, make sure you dial
any asterisks (*) in the number. If you are
saving the number in your contacts, save it in
the DC Only field.
• If the person you are calling has a single number
for both voice calls and for Direct Connect, use
that ten-digit phone number to make Direct
Connect calls. You do not need to add any
asterisks (*) to the number. If you are saving the
number in your contacts, save it in the
Mobile+DC field.
Note: Users with a Nextel phone must always
add asterisks (*) between sets of numbers to
dial Direct Connect numbers. If you use a single
number, make sure to tell your contacts with
Nextel phones to dial the ten-digit number using
asterisks (*) in place of hyphens (for example,