Section 8
54 Managing Messaging
Setting Up Voicemail
The first thing you’ll want to do after activating your phone
is set up your voicemail. For further information see
"Setting Up Your Voicemail" on page 10.
Knowing When You Have Messages
There are several ways your Sprint PCS Phone alerts you:
ᮣ By displaying a message on the screen.
ᮣ By sounding the assigned ringer type.
ᮣ By the LED blinking red.
ᮣ By displaying at the top of your screen for
voicemail messages, Sprint PCS Web Messages or Sprint
PCS Web Alerts.
Message Types
There are three types of messaging features available from
your Sprint PCS Phone’s menu. You can receive voicemail,
Sprint PCS Wireless Web Messages and Sprint PCS Wireless
Web Alerts.
ᮣ Voicemail automatically captures calls when you
can’t answer your phone, or your phone is turned off.
The voicemail system sends a notification directly to
your phone when you have new voice messages.
ᮣ Wireless Web Messages let you know when you
receive numeric pages, Sprint PCS Wireless Web
Messages*, and Sprint PCS Wireless Web Updates*. (For
further information, see "Sending Numeric Pages" on
page 56, "Sending Sprint PCS Wireless Web Messages"
on page 57, or "Sprint PCS Wireless Web Update
Options" on page 59.)
ᮣ Wireless Web Alerts lets you know when you receive
Sprint PCS Wireless Web Mail
*, Sprint PCS Wireless Web
Short Mail
* or an AOL Instant Message*. (For more
information on each feature, see the appropriate
information in Section 15: “Experiencing Sprint PCS
Wireless Web
* You will need to subscribe to the Sprint PCS Wireless Web to use these features.
When you are
roaming off the Sprint PCS
Network, you may not
receive notification of new
Voicemail messages. It is
recommended that you
periodically check your
voicemail by dialing 1 +
area code + your Sprint
PCS Phone Number.
Sprint PCS
Wireless Web
services may not be
available in certain
affiliate areas.